

    省建筑材料制备与测试技术重点实验室学术报告:3D printing technique for civil engineering

    日期:2019-04-03来源:建筑材料制备与测试技术重点实验室 浏览量:

    报告题目:3D printing technique for civil engineering

    报告人:澳门大学应用物理与材料工程研究所讲座教授  李宗津博士

    报告时间:2019年04月08日(周一) 14:30



    Three dimensional printing (3D printing), also known as additive manufacturing, are now being studied and developed as a hot topic in many different fields. Civil engineering is no exception. 3D printing process is an additive manufacturing method from one dimensional dot/line to a two dimensional plane, then to a three dimensional object. In this lecture, the basic concepts and development path of 3D printing will be introduced first. Then the classification of 3D printing technique will be discussed. The focus of the lecture will be the techniques developed for civil engineering, including both directly deposition and selective reaction. Specifically, the D-shape printing, contour crafting and concrete printing. In civil engineering, the 3D printing is beginning to move from an architect's modelling to delivering full-scale architectural product, from a component of house such as piece of facades to a whole structure of a building. As a new hotspot in the architecture, three-dimensional concrete printing has great potential in rapid constructing and manufacturing of irregular geometric components. While 3D techniques is being fast developed, it is still facing a great challenge. One of the challenges is to obtain develop suitable materials for 3D printing in order to make the mortar be easily pumped or extruded, which needs the effort of materials scientist and engineers.

    This talk will also introduce some other achievements of the presenter such as highly stretchable hydrogel and floating type wind turbine.


        李宗津教授,1993年获美国西北大学博士学位,澳门大学应用物理与材料工程系讲座教授、博士生导师,国家科技部973计划首席科学家,美国混凝土学会终身成就奖“亚瑟·安德森奖章”(ACI Arthur R. Anderson Medal)获得者,美国混凝土学会中国分会创会主席,国际材料与结构研究实验联合会中国分会首席副主席,ISO/TC71混凝土、钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土委员会成员,欧洲混凝土结构防火设计Fib工作组成员,香港工程师协会材料分会委员,先进建筑材料四川省重点实验室学术委员会主席,是我国具有重要国际影响力的知名学者之一。
