


    日期:2018-09-26来源:化学化工学院 浏览量:

    报告时间:2018927日(周四) 1400

    报告地点:逸夫楼 315

    报告人I: 宋卫国 研究员



    报告人简历:宋卫国,现任中国科学院化学研究所研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,博士生导师。19691出生于江西奉新;1992年北京大学化学专业本科毕业;1992年至1996年在北京石油化工科学研究院从事工业催化研究工作;2001年获得南加州大学 (USC)理学博士学位。2001年至2005年分别在USC和爱荷华大学从事博士后研究工作。20057月入选中国科学院百人计划,加入化学所分子纳米结构与纳米技术重点实验室,2006年获得百人计划择优支持, 2007年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助。2008年起担任科技部纳米重大研究计划项目首席科学家。近年研究方向主要是功能纳米材料与多孔材料的合成表征及其应用,研究纳米结构材料的可控构筑以得到具有理想形貌和丰富表界面官能团的材料,用于催化和吸附等方面的应用。


    报告人II: 霍峰蔚 教授

    报告题目:Metal-Organic Framwork NanoComposite Materials

    摘要:Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have crystalline structures and are typically characterized by large internal surface areas, uniform but tunable cavities, and tailorable chemistry. MOFs have shown great promise for a variety of applications, including gas storage, chemical separation, catalysis and sensing. Particularly, the incorporation of functional materials, such as nanoparticles, small molecules, or even biomaterials, in MOFs has attracted great attention because of the benefits of the novel chemical and physical properties exhibited by certain classes of functional materials. In our group, we developed a serious of encapsulation strategies that allow many types of functional materials to be fully incorporated within crystals in a well-dispersed fashion. Our strategy relies on the successive adsorption of nanoparticles onto the continuously forming surfaces of the growing MOF crystals. The as-prepared hybrid materials exhibit both active (catalytic, magnetic, and optical) properties deriving from the incorporated functional materials and size- and alignment-selective behavior (i.e., molecular sieving and regioselective guest reactivity) originating from the well-defined microporous nature of the MOF component.

    报告人简历:Dr. Fengwei Huo is currently a Full Professor (2014-) in the institute of advanced materials (IAM) at Nanjing Tech University. He obtained Ph.D at Northwestern University in 2009. Then he joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an Assistant Professor. From 2017, he has served as an associate editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. He has published more than 100 papers, including first author Science, Nat. Nano., corresponding author Nat. Chem., Nat. Comm., Adv. Mater., etc. Dr. Huo’s current research involves functional nanomaterials, nanolithography, and metallic-organic frameworks materials.